Category: Uncategorized

100 Iowa Valve Plant Workers Vote to Join Machinists Union

Approximately 100 workers at Clow Valve Foundry in Oskaloosa, IA have voted to join the IAM. These proud new IAM members make iron and brass castings for fire hydrants and water valves. “We work hard for this company,” said Clow Foundry worker Josh Britt. “We want them to work hard for us.” Workers at the…
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Puerto Rico Local 2725 IAM Members Awarded Back Pay

IAM Local 2725 members who sell auto parts and supplies in Puerto Rico have been awarded $205,039.26 in back pay and reinstated to their jobs in a recent National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) settlement between the employer, Empresas Velázquez, and the Machinists Union. The NLRB had issued a complaint alleging that the employer, Empresas Velázquez,…
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Creating Career Paths for Young Workers

A full residency Job Corps program not only helps young people from disadvantaged background complete their high school education, it trains them for their choice of 73 different career paths.Enter TCU/IAM Transportation Advanced Training, where young adults develop the skills needed to get a job in the transportation field. Nine training centers participate in the…
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CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratio Widens: Now 361-to-1

Once again there’s more for them and less for us. The imbalance between the pay of CEOs and working people continues to increase. In 2017, CEO pay at S&P 500 Index companies increased to an average of nearly $14 million while production and nonsupervisory workers received on average just $38,613. The AFL-CIO recently released its…
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